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9 sept. 2020
Cash-Flow Forecasting remains KING
“If you have to forecast, forecast often” (Edgar R. Fieldler) Need for reliable forecasts Nobody could deny the importance of having...
15 juin 2020
Treasury in the new “normal”… the day after
Back to the office And now what am I going to change? It is quite legitimate to ask the question: "After such a huge financial crisis,...
8 avr. 2020
Infographic - Treasury Ecosystem in Europe
Download the infographic here
25 mars 2020
The "live" stress test of the entire financial system
A live exercise is always better than any test Are we not experiencing a “live” stress test, never imagined or conceived by a human...
25 mars 2020
The “raison d’être” of treasury finds a wonderful example with the current health crisis.
Treasury, a major discipline in finance Who could argue that treasury is not one of the major disciplines of finance? When business is...
27 févr. 2020
Lower for longer
Persistent negative interest rates (in EUR) force asset managers to reinvent their business model to focus on a "more dynamic" cash...
24 févr. 2020
Will black swans cross green swans?
We have known for a few years the famous black swans that Nassim Nicholas Taleb developed. Swan lakes... black swans, a sign of an...
5 janv. 2020
Who could complain about low interest rates? More people than we think...
One may legitimately wonder whether negative interest rates are veritably good for treasurers, in particular, and for the world economy,...
10 nov. 2019
EMIRefit or the way to complexify the simplification
After a long fight (not the first), EACT (i.e. European Association of Corporate Treasurers) obtained the exemption of inter- company...
3 nov. 2019
Treasury career, a long life of learning
The treasury function is dangerous and riskier than other. No one could contest the inherent risks of such a job. A single mistake could...
7 oct. 2019
François Masquelier
ATEL Annual Conference 2019: A Quarter Century Run The ATEL Annual Conference was held on Thursday 19th of June in Luxembourg and marks...
7 oct. 2019
ATEL @ EuroFinance
ATEL will be present at EuroFinance Copenhagen 2019 from 16-18th October, 2019. For more information, click here. To meet us contact us here
6 oct. 2019
The unsuspected consequences of negative interest rates
Perverse effects Would negative interest rates not have perverse effects? If these interest rates (at least in Europe) remain negative...
30 sept. 2019
TP Disputes will increase, better to prevent risks!
The new transfer pricing rules (i.e. TP) recommended by the OECD and implemented by the States and the EU without creating a revolution...
15 sept. 2019
Do You Know Your “Know Your Customer”?
Unknown customers Nothing is more unknown that the know your customers. There are as many as banks. It remains the indecipherable...
15 juil. 2019
Transfer Pricing, what is the at arm’s length “fair” price?
Transfer Pricing (TP) raises the question of the at arm’s length “fair” price that the Inland Revenue will accept for the intercompany...
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