Our Vision
To keep treasury relevant and ahead of the sector, by detecting new trends, techniques, technologies future proved to comply to new financial regulations, evolving economic context and continuing professional developments; defining new skills and talents required skills to better protect the company against financial risks. To bring treasury to the next level.
Things we hold to be important
Integrity – we do what we say and keep our promises.
Honesty – always open and straightforward.
Added-Value – we offer the best value every time.
Relationship – we work with people in the long term and introduce customers to our large and unique European network.
Fun – we enjoy what we do, and it shows.
5 key words:
Visionary – Leadership – Breadth of expertise – Business connector – Added-value focused
Last 5-10 years achievements?
25+ years at the forefront of the finance industry
20+ years of leading international risk management professional associations
300+ articles multi-published author
Chief Risk Officer and SVP Treasury of a 7 billion turnover company
MyTreasurer blog
The Treasury Magazine and ATEL - #103rd issue – with a circulation estimated at 10k+ readers
Husband and dad of 2 fabulous boys and long-distance road cyclist
Board member of a Charity (i.e. “Pour un Sourire d’Enfant” – PSE) in Luxembourg
Diversity of Boards Roles:
E.G. ALMUS Swift users in Luxembourg, ING, advisory board; KANTOX &FinMetrics
advisory boards, VAN HULEN industry (High precision springs) Board member, Audiomedia (Media industry), ATEL & EACT (Luxembourg and European Treasury Associations) and charities (PSE)….